Mum says that Dad made the planting boxes for her but I beg to differ. The blueberry box is the best place to hang out. There will be tomatoes and lettuce and spinach and kale and maybe peppers. All Dad's favourites.
I know we haven't been doing many posts. Last year was a challenge. First we went on long trek across Canada. I got to see many great parks and campgrounds, meet relatives and got to roam around in other houses. We had a special party for Gram's 90th birthday. When we were on our way home Dad got sick and needed emergency surgery in Timmins. I got to stay in a hotel and ride in an elevator. We even flew home so Dad could have more surgery. He spent a long time in hospital so Mum didn't have much time for me. Now she has more time and she will help me catch up on our travels. 😻