Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Mother Nature is picking on me!!!!

Christmas treated me well - Mum and Dad got me my own indoor tree. That way  I didn't have to worry about other cats or dogs leaving messages! It even had a few entertainment decorations just for me.

I even got some new catnip so life was good.

Suddenly, my indoor tree disappeared. And then Mother Nature interfered!  It got really, really cold -30C for a long time.

No matter how winsome I looked, or
Please, please, please - can I go out.

how many times I got Dad to put cat string games up on his laptop
Where did that string go?
or how many times I jumped on the table (not sure why this was such an issue - it is the same blue towel that Mum uses in the trailer so I can sit on the table there......😾) I was not allowed outside! Even the pet police were telling everyone to keep their pets inside. 

Well I finally did get out for a walk after 10 days and it was wonderful. But, Mother Nature wasn't finished with me yet!  It snowed. Now my prowling area in the backyard was much reduced. Even with bird TV it was pretty boring. I think even the mice have found a new place to carouse.

 All my favourite sniffing locations had snow banks so it was no fun to get to them. Walks will be boring for awhile.

Too much snow....

OOOO - cold paws, cold paws.