Thursday, 7 December 2017

Winter Musings

As I lay here dreaming about my summer  adventures my Mum is trying to take my picture. Maybe if I keep my eyes closed she will go away :).

We did do quite a few flying trips plus two camping trips on our own. My favourite spot was Mcleod River Recreation area - there was a path for walking, wildlife to stalk and trees to claw.

Our last camping trip with the RC float flying folk did not start off well. It was very wet and very cold. Thank goodness Dad had made sure that the furnace was running properly before we had even left the yard.  It was the wrap up weekend so there was a big dinner. I wasn`t invited but I got to stay cosy in the trailer. There was a draw for prizes. Mum had spent some time putting together recipes from all the ladies into a cookbook. It got a very good reception. Mum was pleased it was more sought after than the hats :).

We did go for several walks. There were some courageous squirrels and chipmunks that kept me entertained. There was one interesting activity. One of the ladies wants to do a scrapbook so she was taking pictures of all the activites. She did want a group picture of the "furry" friends. It seemed to take a long time.

Are you ready yet?

Too many dogs.....

I'm outta here   

Not sure what our plans will be for next summer. I am sure we will do more camping with the float flyers (and their dogs). We may even do a long trip. In the meantime I am enjoying the warmer winter weather. Mum and Dad take me on walks around the neighbourhood. I get to chat with some of my favourite neighbours and check out all the cool smells. Summer is definitely more fun - not so cold on my toes.
Is there a mouse in here?

Thursday, 21 September 2017

McLeod River Recreation Area

We're travelling somewhere. There are no planes packed in the truck so we must be going somewhere new.  How exciting! I hope it is better than our last camping trip. We did end up at McLeod River Recreation area.

The sites were very nice - lots of room for hunting mice. Although after 3 voles and a bird (75% survival rate due to Mum and Dad's catch and release policy) I got put on a shorter leash. They said I had to give the wildlife a fighting chance. Although I think a cat that has no front claws and is always on a leash does have a disadvantage.

There was one very bold squirrel. He got right up on the picnic table while Mum and Dad were baking cookies. That is not something I am allowed to do - not fair. The squirrel and I came face to face several times but neither of us suffered any injuries.

 We took several walks down to the river.  There were good scratching posts and balance beams. Even camouflage. 

 One time there was strange movements across the river. I thought it might be a bear so I made sure we high-tailed it out of there.

After all that walking (Mum and Dad don't seem to be too keen on carrying me as much) it was time to hang out to keep an eye on the wildlife. Or maybe take a nap.
 It rained the last afternoon we were there so we all hung out in the trailer. Mum and Dad played cards and chit-chatted. All in all it was a good time so I think we may go back there.

It was good to get home where I could keep an eye on my own yard.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Road Trips 2017

Summer is time for camping -sadly no pictures for most of our trips. Dad says now that I am a "teenager" there aren't as many photo ops :(.

We did two trips to Clear Lake for float flying. Mouse hunting was very good but there were too many dogs.

We did make one non-flying camping trip in Meadow Lake Provincial Park. We started out at Kimball Lake campground but the sites were in very bad shape. Mum was in tears. There had been two bad storms that knocked down many trees. On top of that all the campsites were torn up too make them larger so bigger RVs could use the sites. They were adding power to all the sites. All the nice sites with lots of trees between them were gone. It looked so bald. Dad was disappointed, too. He works really hard to make our trailer as power-free as possible.Now you have to pay extra for powered sites even though you don't need the power.

We ended up at Grieg Lake at a non-powered site. There I had my first encounter with a deer. There she was - walking down the road as neat as you please. The big floppy ears were very impressive but my tail is much finer. I found it best to observe the deer from the beneath the truck. The next day when we were out for a walk we had a more alarming encounter. One deer wandered down the road and hid in the bushes as we went by. She watched us very intently. Just as we passed the campsite and I though I was safe -- a dog started barking. This startled the deer and she went charging out of the bush followed closely by a spotted fawn. I was so alarmed I did a complete 180 backflip and fluffed out as big as I could go. I was so unsettled that Dad had to carry me the rest of the way back to our campsite. I checked every single campsite we passed and spotted two more deer lurking in the bushes.

We didn't stay much longer as it rained most of the time we there. On the way home we stopped in Vegreville to see the Psanyka I was still stressed by the encounter with the deer so as soon as I saw the giant egg rotating I wanted to leave the park. I almost pulled Mum over I was so intent on leaving.