The sites were very nice - lots of room for hunting mice. Although after 3 voles and a bird (75% survival rate due to Mum and Dad's catch and release policy) I got put on a shorter leash. They said I had to give the wildlife a fighting chance. Although I think a cat that has no front claws and is always on a leash does have a disadvantage.
We took several walks down to the river. There were good scratching posts and balance beams. Even camouflage.
One time there was strange movements across the river. I thought it might be a bear so I made sure we high-tailed it out of there.
It rained the last afternoon we were there so we all hung out in the trailer. Mum and Dad played cards and chit-chatted. All in all it was a good time so I think we may go back there.
It was good to get home where I could keep an eye on my own yard.
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